1. | Jun 2022 – Jan 2023 | Supported, as an independent consultant, an Evaluation of the Operationalization of Master Card Foundation’s Youth Engagement Strategy Among Organizations it funds in Kenya. Played roles include, offering input to the data gathering tools, supporting data gathering activities and participated in data management and report writing. |
Client | ITAD, UK | |
2. | Jul – Nov 2022 | Supported, as a team leader, an Endline Evaluation of Ujana Wangu, Nguvu Yangu (translated as “My Youth, My Power”) project”. Responsible for designing the endline evaluation methodology and tools; assembling and training the evaluation team, overseeing data collection and management activities, and writing of the evaluation report. |
Client | UNFPA, Tanzania Country Office | |
3. | Oct 2021 – Aug 2022 | Supported, as a team leader, ‘an evaluation of High Impact Practices (HIPs) in Family Planning’. Responsible for conducting (in collaboration with members of my team at CSK) small group discussions and key informant interviews among implementing partners of the three USAID-Funded Boresha Afya projects (Jhpiego, Deloitte & EGPAF) as well as among government officials and services providers. Also, supported data management activities and offered input to the final report. |
Client | ICF Macro, Inc. USAs. | |
4. | June – Aug 2021 | Supported, as an independent consultant, the mid-term evaluation of the Family Planning and Reproductive Health Component of the Integrated Landscape Conservation in Western Tanzania (LCWT) Project. My roles under this activity included participating in the desk review of program and other relevant documents, participating in developing evaluation tools and instruments, participating in data collection activities in four districts of Kigoma and Katavi regions, data management and writing of the relevant sections of the evaluation report. |
Client | The Jane Goodall Institute (JGI), Tanzania | |
5. | Aug 2019 – Aug 2020 | Supported, as a team leader, the Baseline and Endline Assessments for a Project Titled “Effectiveness of early child development multi-media communication on caregiver and community health worker behaviors: Evaluation of the Malezi II program”. Responsible for assembling and training of the evaluation team & overseeing data collection and management activities. |
Client | EGPAF, Tanzania. | |
6. | Mar – Dec, 2019 | Supported, as a local Principal Investigator & team leader, the Midterm Performance Evaluation for the USAID Tulonge Afya project. My roles under this activity included, participating in the desk review of program and other relevant documents, participating in developing the study protocol and data collection tools, providing in-country leadership for the implementation of the evaluation in six regions of Tanzania, leading data management activities and writing of the first draft of the evaluation report. Under this activity, I also supported presentation of evaluation findings among key stakeholders. |
Client | Population Council, New York, United States. | |
7. | May-Dec 2018 | Supported, as a team leader, a qualitative evaluation of the first-time parents (Tuungane) project, which was implemented by Pathfinder International in 2 regions of Tanzania (Kigoma and Katavi). Responsible for recruitment and training of DCs, collection of qualitative data at baseline and end-line in the two regions, analysis of the qualitative data materials and writing of the evaluation report. |
Client | Pathfinder International, Washington DC, USA. | |
8. | Feb 2017 – Jun 2018 | Supported, as a team leader, a (mixed methods) evaluation of “mLabour: Mobile Technology for Improving Intrapartum Care”. Responsible for recruitment & training of enumerators, supervising data collection (at baseline, midline and endline) and overseeing data management activities. |
Client | Family Health International (FHI360), Durhan, USA. | |
9. | May – Oct 2017 | Supported, as an independent consultant, the end-line evaluation of the USAID-funded RESPOND project, which was implemented by EngenderHealth in 11 regions of Tanzania from 2012-2017. Responsible for providing expertise on Tanzania health care systems, particularly on FP/RH programming, and participated in desk review of project (and other relevant) documents, activity planning, data collection, data analysis, and writing of the evaluation report. |
Client | Dexis consulting group, Washington DC. | |
10. | Aug 2016 – Dec 2021 | Supported, as an independent consultant, process evaluation of the adolescent 360 (A360) program. I (working with a junior consultant at CSK) was responsible for providing input to the process evaluation design and supporting data collection activities at 6-12 months interval in the 10 regions that the project activities were being implemented. I also participated in data management activities, report writing and evidence dissemination activities. |
| Client | ITAD Ltd, UK. |
11. | Mar – Sep 2016 | Supported, as an independent consultant, process evaluation of a project titled “Expanding Method Choice within a community-based family program to first time parents (FTPs) in Shinyanga District Council of Tanzania”. Responsible for drafting interview instruments and conducting focus group discussions and in-depth interviews at 3 monthly intervals (for a total of 3 rounds of data collection activities). I also participated in data management activities, report writing and evidence dissemination activities. |
Client | Pathfinder International, USA. | |
12. | Mar – Jul 2016 | Supported, as an independent consultant, development, implementation, and evaluation of the hands hygiene intervention to reduce bacterial infection among the new-borns and mothers delivered in maternity units in Tanzania (the HANDS study). Played roles included, offering input to the data gathering tools, supporting data gathering activities and participating in data management and report writing. |
Client | London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine (LSHTM), London, UK. | |
13. | Jun – Sep 2016 | Supported, as an independent consultant, an end line review of the National Family Planning Costed Implementation Plan in Tanzania (2010-2015). Responsible for supporting the assessment design, including selection of key informants, and developing the assessment tools. I also supported data collection, data management and writing of the assessment report. |
Client | Family Health International (FHI360), Tanzania. | |
14. | Mar 2015 – Oct 2016 | Supported, as an independent consultant, implementation & monitoring of Harm Reduction (HR) services for unwanted pregnancies in Tanzania. Under this activity, I supported various operations and implementation research activities. |
Client | International Planned Parenthood Federation/Western Hemisphere Region (IPPF/WHR), USA. | |
| B. HIV & AIDS | |
15. | Dec 2018- Sep 2019 | Supported, as a team leader, a (quantitative) study titled “Evaluating an HIV Risk Screening Tool in a Population of Orphans and Other Vulnerable Children (OVC) Program Beneficiaries in Tanzania.” For this activity I led the recruitment & training of study nurses (HIV counsellors) and field supervisors, supervised data collection, participated in data analysis, report writing, and dissemination of study findings. |
Client | EGPAF, Tanzania. | |
16. | Sep – Oct 2014 | Supported, as an independent consultant, an assessment of strengths and gaps in the National School Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (SWASH) guidelines in supporting improved learning environment for adolescent girls in Tanzania. Responsible for providing technical support to the study design (including sample size calculations), providing input to the data collection tools and data analysis plan and supporting training of enumerators from the Ministry of education and vocational training (MoEVT) and Ministry of Water (MoW). |
17. | Aug – Oct 2014 | Supported, as a team leader, the Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) Audit in Zanzibar Maternity Units (Mixed Methods Study). This was a collaborative effort among WaterAid Tanzania, WaterAid UK, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, Soapbox UK, and Ministry of Health of Zanzibar. |
Client | WaterAid, Tanzania. | |
18. | Aug 2022 – Feb 2023 | Supported, as a team leader, the Baseline and Endline Data Collection Activities for the Solar Cow Project. An innovative solar equipment aimed at improving school attendance and performance among children from disadvantaged families. Responsible for assembling and training of the evaluation team & overseeing data collection and management activities. |
Client | Korea Institute for International Economic Policy (KIEP), Korea | |
19. | Jul – Dec 2019 | Supported, as a team leader, the baseline study for Solar Cow Project – a project aimed at piloting a revolutionary and award-winning solar product that was proved (in other context) to increase school attendance among children living in rural areas. Responsible for assembling and training of the evaluation team & overseeing data collection and management activities. |
| Client | YOLK, South Korean Solar Power Technology Company |
20. | Feb 2017 – Jun 2018 | Supported, as a lead researcher, a mixed methods evaluation of “mLabour: Mobile Technology for Improving Intrapartum Care”. Responsible for supporting recruitment & training of enumerators, and data collection and management (for the baseline, midline and endline evaluation). |
Client | Subcontract by Family Health International (FHI360), Durhan, USA. |